God is Still Good Even If Mountains Don’t Move

I’m no mind reader but if you’re reading this, I have a sneaky suspicion you’d love for God to move a mountain in your life.
With all that’s been going on in the world these days, it’s no wonder. Mountains – challenges, struggles, pain, disappointment – are all around us. And in the wake of a global pandemic, even the once tiny hills have grown into insurmountable, unimaginable, and seemingly undefeatable mountains.
On top of everything else, our support systems have been put to the test by social distancing and other measures meant to keep us safe. The enemy would love to convince us that we must conquer our mountains alone, but nothing could be further from the truth.
You are not alone, friend.
Let’s imagine, just for a minute, that we’re chatting over coffee. I would listen patiently as you pour out your heart about that mountain in your life – the one that, no matter how you try, doesn’t seem to budge. Despite your most earnest prayers, that mountain of yours is planted firmly in the ground.
You’ve read about some of the amazing things God did in the Bible and you believe that He is still in the mountain-moving business. But as you look at your circumstances, you wonder if God cares enough to move your mountain for you. It’s no longer a question of if He can, but rather, if He will.
Sister, I’ve been there. And since it’s just you and me having coffee, I can admit this to you: some days, I question God’s goodness.
Maybe you do too.
Perhaps you’ve asked questions like:
· How can a good God allow me to experience such pain and disappointment?
· How can a good God let my prayers go unanswered?
· How can a good God not show up when I’m counting on Him most?
· How can a good God allow this mountain to remain unmoved?
I don’t pretend to have all the answers for the questions tugging on your heart, but I can tell you this: God is still good no matter what He decides to do with your mountain.
I know that doesn’t make it any easier, so I’ll also let you in on what’s helping me. As I face my own doubts, I have searched for nuggets of truth I can cling to and tangible signs of God’s goodness to encourage me. I’d like to share some of those with you today.
Truth for When You Doubt God’s Goodness
When doubts arise, I need to look to a trusted source. In those dark moments, I go back to what I know to be true about God, based on His never-changing word – the Bible.
Good is Who God Is
No matter what my circumstances suggest, the Bible reminds me that God is good. It’s who He is at his very core.
Psalm 34:8 NIV Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 25:8 NIV Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.
Nahum 1:7 NIV The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.
When I look for Goodness, I Will Find It
When we get consumed with looking for God to do something big and amazing, we sometimes miss the good thing He is doing right before our eyes.
Psalm 27:13 NIV I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Titus 1:15a NIV “To the pure, all things are pure…”
God is Good Even When I Don’t Deserve It
God’s goodness isn’t reserved for a select few. No matter what I’ve done, how far I stray, or how much I doubt, God is still good, and He loves to shower His children with goodness.
Matthew 5:45b NIV He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Psalm 145:9 NIV The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

Signs of God’s Goodness
God’s Goodness to Me
In addition to mining truth from God’s Word, it also helps to remember God’s goodness to me in times past. Throughout the course of my life, I’ve faced hurts and losses of varying proportions. In the last 6 years, they seem to have come in quick succession. But as I look back, I can see how faithful and good God has been.
When my father’s illness seemed to drag on and on, God was good to give me precious time with Him.
When we lost my youngest brother unexpectedly, over time God graciously gave me peace in place of agonizing pain.
When my homeland was devastated by a monster storm, God continued to provide and meet our daily needs, giving us the wherewithal to build back stronger and better.
There are countless other situations where I can see how God worked things out for good, even if I didn’t see it at the time. This gives me hope that God is still good in my current circumstances. And I bet if you look for it, you will find ways God has been good to you as well.
God’s Goodness to People in the Bible
I also love examples of God’s faithfulness on display in the lives of men and women of the Bible.
Hagar comes to mind. She got caught in an unfortunate web with her mistress and master, but in her desperation, she met the “God who sees me”. Her encounter with God reminds me that God can bring good out of bad situations. (Read her story in Genesis 16.)
And then there was Joseph, who was mistreated, misjudged, and faced one misfortune after another. Yet, he concluded that God intended it all for good. (See Genesis 48-50).
Neither Hagar nor Joseph saw their mountains fall into the sea overnight. And there are countless others whose situations did not magically improve in an instant, but they undoubtedly focused on God’s goodness.
How about you? How can you focus on God’s goodness while you wait for that mountain to move?
Encouragement for the Here and Now
I encourage you to have all the faith and pray all the prayers about that mountain in your life. And as you hand it over to God, here are some things that might encourage you in the meantime:
1. Listen to worship music about God’s goodness. I am currently loving these two songs which remind me that God is still good.
The Goodness of the Lord by Travis Ryan https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yZScJd17t3g
Goodness of God sung by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Church) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0FBb6hnwTo
2. Journal your thoughts using our free Faith Can Move Mountains journal here.
3. Leave a comment to let us know how we can pray for you.
So, friend, while I’m waiting for God to move that mountain, I’m going to focus on His goodness. On those days when I doubt, I’ll recall the Truths in His word. I’ll thank God for His goodness to me in the past, and I’ll look for the good He’s doing in the present. No matter what God chooses to do with my mountain, I can rest assured that God is still good.
Connect with Marva on her website MarvaSmith.com and on social media using the handle @marvatsmith on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Subscribe to her YouTube channel where she hosts How She Does It – an interview series showcasing real women sharing real hope about work, life and faith.
