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Basking in the Sunlit Path of the Peace and Hope of God

Lifting My Eyes Up to the Hills

A peace came over me that warm summer morning as I walked down the overgrown, grassy path behind my house. Sunlight shimmered through the restless branches of the sycamore trees that lined the wooded path. Insects played their songs as they swayed upon the wind-blown grasses. And high above me the blue sky stretched endlessly like a beautiful ocean wave rippled with the white wisps of clouds.

As I gazed up toward the heavens, I breathed in deeply as tears rolled from my eyes like waves of relief from my soul.

The psalmist’s words echoed through my mind like a chorus of peace for a weary, burdened soul.

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

The truth of these verses rang with such clarity in my mind that I felt a sense of newness rise up in me--a surge of hope that everything was going to be all right. In that moment, God’s presence washed over me. I knew the One who made the mountains was in complete control, and he was on my side.

The Worries of This World

From an earthly perspective, I had everything to worry about. My husband and I were on the verge of divorce, and nervous energy surged through my body on a daily basis. My mother was battling Covid-19 alone in a hospital room in a far-off town, and I had no opportunity to visit her. Beyond that, my kids and I tested positive for Covid and we were quarantined, feeling miserable.

The daunting circumstances piled up like immovable stones around me, the burdens too great to bear. Like a weight strapped around my back that got heavier with each step, my legs felt like they would give out beneath me. I could not do this anymore.

I had been praying to God and calling out for his help, uncertain if he heard me. But strangely enough, through the heavy burdens of this world, God was delivering the answers to my prayers. He was showing me that even in the deepest, darkest valleys, he could break forth light to illuminate the cloud-filled lens of my soul. He showed me he was still in charge and that I could trust him.

I knew that I could not save my marriage, but he could.

I did not have the power to heal my mother, but he did.

Hour by hour, I couldn’t even sustain my own energy, but he could.

Lifting My Eyes Up to the Hills A peace came over me that warm summer morning as I walked down the overgrown, grassy path behind my house. And I basked in the sunlit path of the peace and hope of God. God can move mountains.

Releasing My Burdens

What relief filled my heart, soul, and mind as I let go of everything I couldn't control and handed it over to him. What freedom and joy I found!

As I walked on that beautiful sunlit path that morning, I was filled with a thankfulness that I had the energy to get up and walk. I was thankful that the sun was shining on my face and that God’s truth and mercies had fallen fresh upon me.

As I basked in his goodness, I stared up at the sky, remembering exactly where my help came from. I didn’t have to figure out how to save everyone or make everything right. God was in charge, and his plans were working all things out for my good and his glory.

Striving and worrying have a way of exhausting us beyond our limits. But the power of God renews us, bringing a peace to our soul that can’t be explained.

I didn’t know how everything was going to turn out that day. But I knew that God was good and faithful. If I laid all my burdens upon him, he could carry them so that I could be set free.

Most importantly, in that brilliant moment of sunshine and grace, I knew in the depth of my heart that I could place all of my trust in him.

Jill Holler is the inspiring Author at She writes from a passion to give God Glory for who He is. You can find Jill on Facebook and her books on Amazon

Jill Holler is the inspiring Author at She writes from a passion to give God Glory for who He is. You can find Jill on Facebook and her books on Amazon





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