This is an 8 week study starting on Sunday, June 28th at 4 PM-5 PM.
Each week you'll get an email with a link to a video and then we'll discuss our homework and dig deeper on Sundays at 4 PM.
We will send you a free PDF of the book and if you prefer to purchase your own paperwork, we have a link here.
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What will you learn?
WEEK 1: Uniquely Created
ï‚· No matter what flaws you have or mistakes you may have made, He loves you just the same and intends to use every part of you as an instrument for His glory to be displayed.
ï‚· You are who He made you to be, living where He wants you to be, when He wants you to be.
ï‚· You, girl, are a miracle.
WEEK 2: Struggles and Solutions
ï‚· You are not your struggle.
ï‚· You can come as you are to Christ with total confidence.
ï‚· Self-importance is always an enemy to your true self-identity.
WEEK 3: Vital Signs
ï‚· The better you know Him, the more you actually know yourself.
ï‚· When your own new identity in Christ starts growing, you are transformed.
ï‚· You’re not controlled by sin. You can have victory over sin.
WEEK 4: Who You Are
ï‚· Your Father created you, found you, redeemed you, and called you.
ï‚· God will use my uniqueness as instruments to express His heart to the world around me.
ï‚· *You are a daughter of the most high God!
WEEK 5: What You Have
ï‚· You have full access to every single drop of goodness and abundance that God wants to give you as His daughter. His heir.
ï‚· When you know what your inheritance is, you can stop living below your spiritual means.
ï‚· God is not mad at you. No matter what you’ve done. He’s erased the memory of your sin.
WEEK 6: Walk This Way
ï‚· Your new identity should prompt a new lifestyle.
ï‚· Your life should reflect your gratitude for all the Lord has done for you.
ï‚· Relationships worth having are the kind that keep you sharp in the Spirit.
WEEK 7: In Christ, On Purpose
ï‚· You’re on mission. Today’s work matters.
ï‚· The choices, attitudes, and endeavors you embrace for the glory of God today are preparing you for the adventure God is taking you on tomorrow.
ï‚· Stop looking for God’s will and just start living it.
WEEK 8: Guarding Your Identity
ï‚· But everything you need, God has promised to supply.
ï‚· Your heart needs to be guarded—because your heart will drive your decisions.
ï‚· The fruit that comes from Him will bless you