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Be Aware of Being Tricked Into Viewing Pornography

I want to share something just to bring awareness to how predators work to not only trick our children into viewing pornography but adults as well.

My husband had major back surgery last week so I've been under a lot of stress. If you haven't cared for someone recovering from back surgery, let me just share that it is very stressful. They are in a lot of pain and there are many things that need to be managed just to keep them safe and comfortable.

Throw in a global pandemic and the need to keep them isolated and protected, well, stress is next level.

I needed a break from thinking. I was looking forward to vegging out for a bit to relieve some stress. Scrolling on Instagram looking for animal videos is something I do all the time. Some people drink wine, I watch funny animal videos.

It relaxes me and I can escape for a few minutes.

Disclaimer: I have been known to be sucked into the Instagram black hole and almost flooded my bathroom because of it.

So I'm watching this video that popped up in my feed where a young toddler falls into the gorilla pit at a zoo. The gorilla is protecting the young boy and then drags him through the little pond of water and suddenly my wifi doesn't work. I can't see the end of the video.

Did the young boy drown? Did the gorilla kill him? Was the little boy rescued? Where are the parents?

Panic sets in. I have to know what happened!

Praises! My wifi is working again but the video won't work now.  Clicking on it does nothing! It won't reload.

I have to see how it ends!

I click on the profile picture of the person that posted this amazing gorilla/child video so I could find it on their page and reload it.

Instead of seeing the gorilla/child post, I see pornography. It took me a second to figure out that what it was because it was SO GRAPHIC but sure enough, it was a pornography account.

How do they trick us?

Predators use animal or cute baby videos/posts to trick you into looking at their accounts. Mixed among the innocent videos and photos are graphic and totally disgusting pornography.

I reported the post but it just made me so angry to be tricked like that. I knew what it was, I quickly reported the post and got out of Instagram but most children or teens (or even adults) don't know the dangers of pornography.

Most people don't know that pornography literally changes your brain.

Parents, please talk to your kids about this when they are young. If they are old enough to use a device, you must tell them that this will likely happen. Tell them to turn their head and show you without getting into trouble. To learn more about how predators try to trick our kids into view pornography, read our post here.

To learn more about the dangers of pornography, visit Fight the New Drug.

Be Aware of Being Tricked Into Viewing Pornography



Hi! My name is Terri

& I'm the founder

of beLydia,

a non-profit that uses hospitality to prevent 

child sex trafficking.

We love Jesus

& pretty things.

This is our blog.

What an honor to be

included in this list!

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